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This competition is open to any woodwind, brass, and percussion player who is aged 23 or younger as of June 30, 2024.


Candidates should choose a piece or a selected movement or movements of a major work that totals 12 minutes or less in performance time. The syllabus contains approved selections for each instrument. Other repertoires will be considered if wind ensemble accompaniment is available. Contact the chairperson, Chuck Currie, at by July 1, 2023, for your repertoire proposal to be approved.


Submit your application form and recording by October 16, 2023, on the youth soloist application link with a reference letter from your music teacher which describes your musical skills and abilities.  The audition application fee is $50.


If your audio recording places you amongst the finalists for a live audition and you are unable to attend the audition, high-quality video recordings may be submitted instead. The committee has an easier time assessing live auditions, so every effort should be made to participate in person. Winning applicants must submit a promotional photo and bio for the concert program and poster.

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© 2024 by Pacific Symphonic Wind Ensemble.

Charitable Registration number #893189365 RR0001  

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